Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do we know what we think until we see what we say?

In class on Friday, we discussed the meaning behind these words. The main point behind this saying is that we must write down our thoughts in order to truly discover what we think. Without writing down our thoughts, life can become very comfusing. However, when we write down our thoughts, we are organizing our ideas. Then, we can look back on these written ideas and see what we believe. In my own life, I often write down my thoughts. Especially at this point in my life, I'm unsure about how I want my life to play out, the direction in which I want it to go, and what steps I need to take to reach my goals. So, I've often kept a diary or just written down my plans on paper. This has helped me to look back on my thoughts and try to organize my ideas and figure out the person that I am. I've found that once I write down my thoughts and look over them, it is then easier to discuss them with other people. Going through life without writing things down makes me feel lost and unsure, but once I have written ideas, it is easier to make decisions and know myself better.

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