Monday, February 1, 2010

Eaves dropping!

Yesterday I finally got around to recording some eavesdropping at the Leaf and Bean. it was slightly hard to hear over the noise of the coffee being made, but I got the general point of the conversation. I was eaves dropping on two ladies who looked like they were in their thirties. They started off by talking about downhill skiing, and the from then the topics flowed in this order:
*Food- they wanted to go to Tai restaurant, and were also intereted in a new pizza place they heard about
*The housing market, and how much their insurance is and how the price of it has changed in the last year
* What they are going to do for Valentines Day. One of the ladies said she would rather go out and get french fries instead of going to a fancy restaurant for dinner, in order to save money.
* Then they discussed shoes, and one mentioned how she wants to walk to dinner as long as she doesn't wear "ridiculous shoes". They also discussed cute jeans, and how they want skinny jeans so they can fit boots over them.
*Being pregnant: they talked about what they ate when they were pregnant. One lady said she ate a pint of ice cream every two days for six months while pregnant.
* Finally, they discussed "UGG" boots, and how they are a waste of money

Overall, they talked about general things you would expect to hear in a conversation between two, clothes, food, etc. Nothing was terribly exciting, but nonetheless eavesdropping on people was fun to try. I think this example helps to prove Mr. Sexson's point that people are boring, and that if you drop in on a random conversation, it is likely that you will find it boring or ordinary.

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