I'm so glad that I got my presentation out of the way in class yesterday. It feels so good to have that paper and presentation done. :) Anyways, I've really enjoyed listening to everyone present. Everyone had a unique idea and way of looking at the class of the Brothers Karamazov. Even if they did the generic topic, they all noticed different valuable aspects of the class. Some of the presentations that I enjoyed the most so far were Lena, Anne, Spencer, and James. Everyone had good presentations, but these few stood out to me. I liked how Lena wrote her paper in the form of a story about our Lit. class. It incorporated many things about stories that we have learned this semester and actually applied that all into her own story. I thought it was a really unique way to approach the assignment. Next, Anne had an interesting view on who the hero of the Brother's Karamazov was. Most people would choose between the most prevelant characters, perhaps Dmitri, Alyosha, Ivan, or Father Zossima. However, Anne came to the completely different conclusion that Illyusha was the hero. I'd never pondered this claim, but after listening to Anne's reasons, I can see why he could be considered the hero. Next, Spencer's presentation stood out to me. He seemed very at ease in front of the class and the dixie chicks song quote was a great and inventive way to end his speech. Finally, James entertained the class with his presentation by using south park. It was unique from every one else's approach and kept us all entertained. I'm looking forward to the presentation's tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
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