Tuesday, March 2, 2010


In Chekhov's story The Lady with the Pet Dog. Professor Sexson told us to read the story and search for the word "sturgeon" and how it relates to an epiphany. I've read the story once already, and discovered that the main character comes to love for the first time. Nevertheless, I searched through the story again trying to find the word and how it relates to an epiphany. In the text, thw word appears in this conversation:
One evening, coming out of the physicians' club with an official with whom he had been playing cards, he could not resist saying:
"If you only knew what a fascinating woman I became acquainted with at Yalta!"
The official got into his sledge and was driving away, but turned suddenly and shouted:
"Dmitry Dmitrich!"
"What is it?"
"You were right this evening: the sturgeon was a bit high."
These words, so commonplace, for some reason moved Gurov to indignation, and struck him as degrading and unclean. What savage manners, what mugs! What stupid nights, what dull, humdrum days! Frenzied gambling, gluttony, drunkenness, continual talk always about the same thing! Futile pursuits and conversations always about the same topics take up the better part of one's time, the better part of one's strength, and in the end there is left a life clipped and wingless, an absurd mess, and there is no escaping or getting away from it- just as though one were in a madhouse or a prison.

This passage does indeed show an epiphany in Gurov. It shows that his opinion on women and on Anna Sergeyevna in particular has changed dramatically. He has finally fallen in true love. In the passage, it shows that he had the intense urge to talk about Anna, and speak about how wonderful she is. It seems to be a topic of great importance to him. However, that same enthusiasm about the subject is not shared by the official. Instead of staying on the topic of Anna, he speaks about spoiled fish, and this upsets Gurov greatly. It's probably the thought of his love being associated with something so unappealing and the topic being disregarded that upset him so much. Even though the official likely meant nothing by it and the words were common, they still had such a strong effect on Gurov, which shows his intense love for Anna, which is an epiphany for Gurov in the story. This happens in people's everyday lives as well. One simple word can cause a person to become extremely upset, even if the person talking meant no harm by it. Sometimes we bottle our feelings up so much that just the slightest thing can cause us to burst and show how we truly feel.

1 comment:

  1. NICE! so I totally googled "sturgeon epiphany of character" and your blog was the first thing to come up! I'm sorry if that's a weird response but it is amazing that your blog is a top result on the biggest search engine. It really shows how your opinions are shaping minds everywhere in a way.
