Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Travel vs. Books

In class, Prof. Sexson has often mentioned the debate between which is more valuable, traveling to place to learn about them or reading about places. Which is better? Which will be more influential on your life? Is one better than the other?

For me personally, I have mixed views on the topic. I think a mixture of both would be ideal. In my lifetime, I have never travelled out of the country. I've been to California, Texas, Florida, and a few states near Montana, but never out of the country. I have definitely read more than I have travelled, and I do believe that reading is an excellent way to take yourself to a completely different world. There are some books that I am intrigued by so much that all I want to do is read the book. It's as if the book is my reality and everything else is simply passing the time until I can read the book again. For me, this doesn't happen all the time, but only if I find the right book.

Despite the fact that books have enriched my life, I still have the strong urge to travel and experience a completely different culture. You can read about experiences or customs in books, but you'll never be able to feel what it's like until you have actually experienced it. Since I have never really travelled, the idea of other places like Europe is something almost mystical and far away from my reach. I can read about and dream about places, but somehow that's not completely enough for me. I know the places will be different from what I have read and imagined, but that is just part of the experience. So, I think that reading about a place and then travelling to that place and comparing your experiences is best. Reading and travelling are two unique experiences.

In the fall, I'm going to Spain for the school year. I've read about the city where I'm going and looked at pictures, but I know nothing I read or see in photos will compare to what it feels like to be there and experience it for myself. However, if I get a grasp on the basics of the city by reading, it won't be so much of a shock. All in all, I believe that travelling is a great way to enrich yourself, but reading is also a way to learn if you don't have as many opportunities to travel.

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